


How many months are in the Hindu lunar calendar | Names | Period

Months name and their numbers and


By Intimate Viewpoint

According to the Hindu lunar calendar, there are 12 months in it.

Lunar Calender

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* Vaisakha, it is the month of 31 days. It falls on April - May in the Gregorian calendar

* Jyaistha, it is the month of 31 days and falls on May - June. 

* Asadh, It is the month of 31 days. It falls on June - July in the Gregorian Calendar.

* Shravana, is a month of 31 days. It falls in July to August in the Gregorian calendar.

* Bhadra, it is a month of 31 days. It falls from August to September in the Gregorian Calendar. 

* Aswin, it is a month of 30 days and falls from September to October.

* Kartika, is a month of 30 days. It falls from October to November in the Gregorian Calendar.

* Agrahayana, is a month of 30 days and falls from November to December.

* Pausa, is the month of 30 days it falls from December to January in the Gregorian calendar.

* Magha, is the month of 30 days. It falls from January to February. It is the month of 30 days.

* Phalguna, is a month of 30 days. It falls on February to March.

* Chaitra, is a month of 30 days and 31 days in some years. It falls from March to April in the Gregorian Calendar.

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