Rules regulation make life easy or hard?
By Intimate Viewpoint
Rules regulation is an emphatic word that makes life emphatic. There are many kinds of living things that live on the earth but only humans come on top of them. And this can happen because of the rules regulation that is followed by humans.
Animals, birds, and insects are also kinds of living things but they do not follow rules regulations as humans do. Although they also have some rules regulation in their own environment and following such things are also mandatory for them. But yet human life is considered best among all of them.
Rules regulation makes life beautiful and decent
Those people who never follow any rules in their life, the lives of such people is like a kite in the air without any control. Therefore there should be some certain rules in every person's life.
Rules regulation brings decency, discipline, and manner in human life. It also makes human life beautiful and attractive.
We also have noticed several times the differences between an educated and an uneducated family. An educated family always looks good and beautiful because the family members follow some rules regulations in their life whilst in an uneducated family, the family members never follow any rules in their life. So such a family looks indecent, ugly, and sometimes funny also. The activities of the members of such a family look several times Peculiar also.
Education is the basis of rules regulation
Education makes able a person to think over good and bad and therefore only an educated person knows the advantage of rules regulations. So the rules regulations are followed by an educated person only. But an uneducated and uncultured person considers such things meaningless and valueless so he never follows any rules in his life.
An educated family makes certain rules for themselves and it is mandatory to follow such rules by all the members of that family. But following the same rules on a regular basis is not an easy job and such things are not possible for a lazy person.
A lazy person has a lot of excuses for avoiding any rules but the people whose lives are based on rules regulation don't have any excuses or they don't give any excuse.
Rules regulation make life tough and difficult
The people who always follow rules regulations in their life, their lives are not easy. They do not live an easy life like those people whose lives are free from all rules regulations.
Rules-abiding people have no excuses, they as follow rules in their life as they breathe and they never be bored with a life full of rules regulations.
The laziness word never comes into the mind of such people. They take rest for sometimes if they get tired but they never try to avoid their work. Their regular work also comes under their rules regulation. So they never think about avoiding their work.
It is true that the rules regulation makes life beautiful but it can be possible when they are followed with certainty.
Rules regulations have the ability to change one's life.
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